By mixing photography, installation and performance, I use light, space and time to
question our presence and explore the mechanisms of spatial, visual, audible and kinetic
Installations with lights that give birth to colour – fundamental elements of image
creation – are ways to appeal to spatial and sensory perception. How to create an image
otherwise, how does it make our image of the world? I bring interest to the synesthesia
phenomenon that I try to give shape.
I use a camera obscura device made from recycled cans, with a long exposure time (1 to
9 months) to transcribe my observations of the places that I invest, explore the duration
and awareness of time. As each observation is a unique experience, the prints and
installations find their place and form in the exhibition space, which is also unique.
In addition, I am interested in language, semantic listening and reduced listening. My
performances, often exploring spatial, auditory or kinetic perception, propose another
scale of temporality of human experience.
Ekaterina Bunits (1990, Moscow) lives and works in Toulouse, France. Graduated from the Moscow State University in Geology, she turnes to Osteopathy to study the human body. She obtaines a National Diploma in Art (DNSEP) in France at the Institut Superieur des Arts et du Design de Toulouse in 2022 where she workes in the photography studio with Christine Sibran. In 2023 she is invited to present her first solo exhibition at the Espace Muséographique of the Catholic Institute of Toulouse. Ekaterina participates in the art research group Genre 2030. In 2024, Ekaterina joins Trois A, a space for a collective work and the artistic programme in Toulouse.
2023 Solo show, Espace muséographique Georges Baccrabère ICT, Toulouse
2022 Echo Chance Disgrace, Workshop Genre2030, centre d’art la Chapelle St.Jacque, St Gaudens, France
2021 Group show ‘Natures aux jardins’, couloirNo1 IsdaT, Toulouse, France
2021 Group show ‘Neons’, Lieu Commun, Toulouse, France
2019 Group show ‘mimesis’, Musees des Augustin et centre d’art Nomade, France
2023 'Roadside Picknick, ep.1 - Socheata Aing', 'un frisson dans la nuit', Radio CanalSud, Toulouse
2019 Lecture, 'Les Commencements' le Club des lectures, La Cave Poésie, Toulouse
2018 Lecture, Radio *DUUU, 'bout de la nuit', as part of a contemporary art festival 'le Printemps de Septembre', 2018, Toulouse
2023 Ekaterina Bunits, Cahier d’Art de l’ICT, Institut Catholique de Toulouse, Toulouse, France
2022 Edition Genre2030 , art research group review, Toulouse, France
2021 Edition ‘Natures aux jardins’, series of posters, Toulouse, France
2022 isdaT • institut supérieur des arts et du design de Toulouse - DNSEP Art ( MA )
2014 ESO • European School of Osteopathy in Kent, - 3 years of International program
2013 MSU • Lomonosov Moscow State University - Master of Science in Geology ( MA Hons )